Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation Bicycle After Restoration / Preservation |
Funny thing happened to my friend Dave, he went to go look at a Schwinn Paramount and came home with a Schwinn Volare. The Schwinn Volare is my favorite of all bicycles and a dream bike of mine. I have not come cross a reasonable Volare in 60-63 cm for myself yet. The Volare is known as the Japanese Paramount with Dura Ace first generation components. Schwinn was trying to fill a spot that was a little less expensive then the Paramount with what would be a little less nice (less nice as I can't say it a better way right now.) then the Paramount. What the ended up doing was making a stunning bicycle that is very close to the Paramount and cut into the sales of the already dwindling sales of the Paramount.
I think the Volare is such a beautiful bicycle with the chrome lugs, chrome frame under the paint and the chrome stays. The Dura Ace components are just plain wonderful and I love it in either the pearlescent orange or the red.
The 1977 version comes with a Crane rear derailleur, Dura Ace crank, Dura Ace brake calipers and levers, Dura Ace front derailleur, Dura Ace shift levers, Dura Ace seat post and Dura Ace wheel hubs. The saddle I can not remember what was original but I do know its not the Brooks Professional like the Paramount.
Dave's Volare he found has seen some miles but at the same time the Volare was taken care of very well. The one part of this Volare is its missing the original wheels. It has a strange steel rimmed 27 inch wheel on the back and a sew up 700c front wheel that came of a Paramount track bike. Also the Dura Ace seat post was replaced with a Campagnolo seat post, not the worst thing. The Volare has been sitting in a garage for many years unused so there is a lot of dirt and dust and some of the paint surface has some etching from the years. Under all the dirt though I believe there is an stunning example of a Schwinn Volare. I can't wait to see it!!
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Handlebars |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Brake Levers |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Dura Ace Brake Levers |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Stem & Handlebars |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Head Tube |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Front Dura Ace Brake Caliepr |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Front Trak Wheel |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Front Wheel Hub |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Front Wheel Rim |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - SR Stem |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Dura Ace Headset |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Chrome Head Tube Lugs |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Chrome Head Tube Lug |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Reynolds 531 Fork |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Dura Ace Shift Levers |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Top Tube Decal |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Down Tube Volare Decal |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Replacement Campy Seat Post |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Seat Lug |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Drive Train |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Bottom Bracket |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Dura Ace Crank |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Dura Ace Front Derailleur |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Rear Dura Ace Brake Caliper |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Dura Ace Chain Stay Decal |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Rear Crane Derailleur |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Wrong Wheel |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Bicycle Before - Pedals |
The frame is very dirty, after cleaning I found only a very few paint chips that only go to the primer level so very easy to fill. The paint does have an etched finish from sitting so long in the dust. I very carefully worked through a few polishing grits and found the paint to be almost perfect, just amazing!!
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Before |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Before - Head Tube |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Before - Head Tube |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Before - Chrome Head Tube Lug |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Before - Top Tube Decal |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Before - Down Tube Decal |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Before - Seat Lug |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Before - Reynolds 531 Decal |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Before - Bottom Bracket |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Before - Bottom Bracket |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Before - Seat Stays |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Before - Chain Stays |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Before - Chrome Stays |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Before - Drop Outs |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Before - Rear |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Before - Fork |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Before - Chrome Fork Crown |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Before - Fork |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Before - Fork Chrome Blades |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Before - Fork |
As I mentioned above the frame polished almost perfect, it is stunning!! The chrome also polished just beautifully!! I love it!! The decals are also in perfect shape except for the non-drive side fork blade decal, but those decals are available. I couldn't be happier with the results!!
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Polished |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Polished - Head Tube |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Polished - Head Tube |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Polished - Chrome Lugs |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Polished - Top Tube Decals |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Polished - Down Tube Decal |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Polished - Seat Lug |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Polished - Bottom Bracket |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Polished - Bottom Bracket |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Polished - Bottom Bracket |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Polished - Chain Stays |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Polished - Reynolds Decal |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation
Frame Polished - Chain Stays |
The headset & bottom bracket are both Dura Ace, they are just wonderful components. I cleaned the pieces and hand polished everything. I am hand polishing everything because I want to keep the original surface finish, I just want to knock back some of the etching from the dirt and dust. Bearings packed in new grease and everything spins perfect. I love the photo of the completed headset with all that chrome!
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/Preservation Dura Ace Bottom Bracket & Headset - Before |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationDura Ace Bottom Bracket & Headset - Polished |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationHeadset Bearings - Packed |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationPressing Headset Cups |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationDura Ace Headset Cups - Pressed |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationHeadset - Complete - Stunning!! |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationBottom Bracket Bearings - Packed |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationBottom Bracket - Complete |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationHeadset & Bottom Bracket - Complete |
I did not disassemble the handlebars and stem, the original cloth handlebar tape was in such good shape it just needs cleaning. If I removed everything I would loose the tape. I polished everything by hand and everything turned out great. I cleaned the tape and the brake lever hoods and they look great. The brake lever hoods are not perfect but I would take the patina every time over perfect. I am very pleased with the results.
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationHandlebars, Stem & Brake Levers - Before |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationStem & Handlebars - Before |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationStem - Before |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationDura Ace Brake Levers - Before |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationDura Ace Brake Levers - Before |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationHandlebars, Stem & Brake Levers - Cleaned & Hand Polished |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationStem & Handlebars - Hand Polished |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationDura Ace Brake Levers - Cleaned & Hand Polished |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationStem, Handlebars & Brake Levers - Installed |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationStem, Handlebars & Brake Levers - Installed |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationStem - Installed |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationStem, Handlebars & Brake Levers - Installed |
I love the Dura Ace crank, the first generation. It is just a perfect classic look. At some point someone tried to paint in the grooves and flutes to match the bike. The idea was very cool the execution was just not good. I cleaned everything and most of the pint flaked off in the cleaning process, the rest of the paint removed with a little Acetone. I love this crank installed, amazing!
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationDura Ace Crank - Before |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationDura Ace Crank - Paint Removed - Hand Polished |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationDura Ace Crank - Installed |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationDura Ace Crank - Installed |
The original seat post is missing and so is the original saddle but the seller threw in a Brooks Professional from rough the same era. I would take the Brooks every time over the original. The brooks is perfect for the Volare, probably should have had one originally.
The seat post that is on the Volare is a nice Campagnolo seat post but it is also an extremely frustrating seat post to adjust with to adjustment bolts on the top under the saddle, my big hands do not work well in there. Some one along the line also cut the seat post way down with a hack saw, luckily at Dave's riding position a go amount still is in the seat tube.
The seat post and saddle look great installed! I love it!
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationCut Campy Seat Post |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationStrangely Cut Campy Seat Post - Before |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationSeat Post Hand Polished |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationBrooks Professional Saddle |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationBrooks Professional Saddle |
Now we are getting to the really cool stuff, the Dura Ace front derailleur and the Crane rear derailleur. Both where very dirty and had the etching from storage time. The rear derailleur also had the red paint in the lettering area trying to match the frame color. I cleaned the pieces and removed the red paint and hand polished everything. The derailleurs turned out fantastic, they function so tight and smooth and look just amazing against that polished red paint, it doesn't get any better!
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationDura Ace Front Derailleur - Before |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationDura Ace Front Derailleur - Before |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationDura ace Front Derailleur - Before |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationDura Ace Front Derailleur - Exploded |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationDura Ace Front Derailleur - Hand Polished |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationDura Ace Front Derailleur - Complete |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationFront Derailleur - Installed |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationCrane Rear Derailleur - Before |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationCrane Rear Derailleur - Before |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationCrane Rear Derailleur - Before |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationCrane Rear Derailleur - exploded |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationCrane Rear Derailleur - Hand Polished |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationCrane Rear Derailleur - Complete |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationDerailleurs - Complete |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationCrane Rear Derailleur - Installed |
I really like the Dura Ace brake calipers from the first generation. I use them on my gravel grinder single speed, they work fantastic. I disassembled the calipers and then cleaned and hand polished the pieces. The calipers turned out just like new, what a look! I wish I didn't forget to take a photo of the calipers installed.
I wish i could have gotten a few outdoor photos because the Volare turned out almost mint. It is just an amazing bicycle to start with and when brought back like this it is my favorite bike ever. I am still looking for one in my size. I do have an orange 1978 one in 54 cm that someone turned into a single speed. It is a minimum 4 cm to small for me and I am still looking for the missing components at a reasonable price.
Dave got to ride the Volare yesterday late afternoon down where he lives and said it road just perfect. I is fast, nimble, light and solid and best off all it fit perfect. He also sent me a photo of the Volare in its new spot hanging in his bike area. What a stunning bike!!
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationBicycle - Complete |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationBicycle After in Garage - Pouring Rain |
Dave's 1977 Schwinn Volare Restoration/PreservationBicycle After - Dave's Bike Room |
Wow what a sweet ride; 531 tubes, lots of chrome, Dura-ace components etc. Did you have the Dean Martin tune of the same name playing as you did the work?
ReplyDeleteNicely done. I only recently found your blog. Very impressed with the level of your work.
ReplyDeleteI have an orange volare of the same vintage as Dave's.....Gulp...I am looking to sell it ...any interest there?
What size is the Frame?
DeleteLoved your methodical "presto" of such a fine bicycle.
ReplyDeleteVolares need to be sought out and set upon the roads again so people can wonder at what a beautiful machine they are, amongst the world of black bikes with loud stuck-on graphics. My cherished example can be found on pedalroom.com and search: velogarden or google search: velogarden volare
I just picked up a 62cm volare, to big for me but I had to get it.
ReplyDeletenow I'm looking for a 56cm I sold mine and I regret it! more rare than my 1972 Paramount.
ReplyDeleteI have a 1978 Volare I bought in...1978. Replaced a Raliegh International destroyed in a car accident that I had purchased wholesale ($375, maybe) from a friend who worked in a bike shop in Smithtown, NY. I could not afford the retail on another International at that time (my friend had moved on) so I bought the Volare from my usual bike shop in Port Jefferson, NY, and they gave me a little discount. I think I paid $750 for it. Tight frame with a harsh ride. Eventually bought a Trek Pilot 2.0 to have a frame that was more forgiving and comfortable to ride, but I still have the Volare.