Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle After |
I recently started work on a Motobecane Grand Record. I am very jealous of this bicycle, not because its a Motobecane Grand Record, which is very cool in itself, but I am jealous of the choices in components someone made I am guessing in the early 1980's. Originally the Grand Record had Campagnolo components but someone one made some very interesting and cool choices by putting Suntour Superbe brake calipers, a Sun Tour Cyclone rear derailleur with the cool anodized red jockey wheels, a Suntour front derailleur and a beautiful Sugino crank. I know its not Campagnolo components I am usually looked funny at for liking the top of the line Japanese stuff the best but I love it, I love the choices made here!!
The Motobecane Grand Record is in okay starting shape, everything is covered in a film that is pretty dry and rough and gives the paint a very rough texture. However I am confident that I can cut the rough paint down and remove the film from all the components. The Grand Record will receive a complete restoration with new cables and cable housings. The handlebars and brake levers will be more of a restoration/preservation as the leather sew up wrap is in descent shape and needs to be saved. The brake lever hoods are in very good shape and have the Superbe logo so those will be preserved also.
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Handlebars - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Superbe Brake Lever - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Cinelli Stem - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Head Tube
Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Superbe Front Brake - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Fork - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Campagnolo Front Wheel Hub
Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Front Rim - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Shift Levers - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Grand Record Decal - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Down Tube Decal - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Seat Tube Decal
Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bottom Bracket - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Sun Tour Front Derailleur
Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Superbe Rear Brake - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Sun Tour Cyclone
Rear Derailleur - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Campagnolo Rear Wheel Hub
Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Rear Wheel Rim - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Fork Crown - Before |
The frame has a very rough surface finish, like damp dirt and dust tried over many years and damaged the top surface. I cleaned the frame and then started working through the grits of polish. The frame really polished absolutely beautifully! I love the results and the deep red color!! The black on red is one of the best color combination there is. The red paint really took on a deep luster, the decals came back pretty nice, the golf lug lines are classic, it doesn't get much better.
The fork is not original I do not think, the fork has beautiful Shimano SF drop outs and a beautiful shape to the fork crown and of course chrome is just cool but I do not think a Motobecane ever came with a Shimano drop out fork. The rust on the fork looks worse then it really is, there is not to much damage from the rust. I cleaned and polished the fork and it looks fantastic, I do like those Shimano SF drop outs, they just have a nice shape and go along with the whole theme in the changes someone made to the Motobecane.
Sorry for some of the poor photos, I think tomorrow is a camera tune up day.
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Frame - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Frame Before - Head Tube |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Head Tube |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Frame Before
Grand Record Decal |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Frame Before
Down Tube |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Frame Before
Down Tube |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Frame Before - Reynolds 531 Decal |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Frame Before
Down Tube |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Frame Before
Bottom Bracket |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Frame Before
Bottom Bracket |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Frame Before
Brake Bridge |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Frame Before
Drop Outs |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Frame Polished |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Frame Polished - Headtube |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Frame Polished - Headtube |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Frame Polished
Grand Record Decal |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Frame Polished
Down Tube |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Frame Polished
Down Tube |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Frame Polished - Seat Lug |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Frame Polished - Seat Tube |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Frame Polished
Bottom Bracket |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Frame Polished - Seat Stays |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Frame Polished
Chain Stays |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Frame Polished - Drop Outs |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Fork - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Fork Crown - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Fork - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Fork - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Fork Before
Shimano SF Drop Outs |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Fork - Polished |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Fork Polished
Fork Crown |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Fork Polished - Fork Blade |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Fork Polished
Drop Outs |
The headset is not original. Judging from the cut on the fork steer tube someone must have cut it short and they needed to find this very shallow headset. The headset cleaned and polished very nice and the fork and headset look fantastic installed.
The bottom bracket is interesting, I did not know Sugino made a French thread bottom bracket. The bottom bracket cleaned well and with a lot of polishing that hard, textured grime polished away. I am happy with both the headset and bottom bracket.
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Headset & Bottom Bracket
Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Headset & Bottom Bracket
Polished |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Headset
Cups - Pressed |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Headset Bearings - Packed |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Headset
Complete |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Headset
Complete |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bottom Bracket
Bearings Packed |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Bottom Bracket - Complete |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Headset & Bottom Bracket
Complete |
This is the tricky part of the Motobecane, the original leather handlebar sew up wrap is in good shape and needs to be saved. I started by cleaning and treating the leather, There where a few spot of splattered white latex paint that I very carefully removed. Next I carefully cleaned the brake levers and treated the brake lever hoods. I then hand polished the stem and exposed handlebar section, the hand polishing took a lot of time but it was very worth it, the logo stamped into the handlebars are beautiful. With the polishing done I treated the leather one more time and installed the stem and handlebars to the frame. They turned out pretty darn nice!! I love the leather wrap!
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Handlebars - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Brake Levers - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Handlebars & Stem
Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Stem & Handlebars
Complete |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Handlebar Logos
So Cool! |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Brake Levers
Complete |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Handlebars - Complete |
The crank is next, the crank had the worst of the dry gritty film. I soaked the crank for a few days in soapy water to remove the most I could and then worked through three grits of polishing compound, the crank arms really came back nice and the chain rings cleaned nice. I love the higher end Sugino cranks, there is something about the lines and minimalism to them.
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Sugino Crank
Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Crank - Exploded |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Crank - Polished |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Sugino Crank
Complete |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Sugino Crank - Installed
Beautiful!! |
Next might be my favorite parts of the Motobecane, the Superbe Brake Calipers. The calipers had a lot of the dried film on them but I did not want to polish much of the calipers and loose the original textured finish to them. I soaked them for nearly a week in soapy water and washed them down many times a day with a very soft sponge, the film removed and the original finish came back beautifully, I love the results and these brake calipers!! I can't find the calipers before explosion photo.
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Superbe Calipers
Exploded |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Superbe Calipers
Polished |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Superbe Calipers
Complete |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Superbe Front Caliper - Installed
Beautiful!! |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Superbe Rear Caliper - Installed
Beautiful!! |
The shift levers are Sun Tour power shift levers, they are not the best looking shift levers from the era but are my favorite functioning levers, I road these levers for years. The levers where in fine shape, I cleaned and lubricated them and polished the lever bracket and bolt. Installed they work very well.
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Sun Tour Power
Shift Levers - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Shift Levers
Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Shift Levers
Polished & Complete |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Sun Tour Power Shift Levers
Installed - They look good! |
The front derailleur is a Sun Tour derailleur that is pretty darn bullet proof, I have this front derailleur on my 1980 Trek 412 with a modern Tiagra group, it work great with the modern group too. I cleaned, polished and lubricated the derailleur and it looks great installed against the paint and crank.
The rear derailleur is almost as cool as it gets, a Sun Tour Cyclone with the red anodized jockey wheels. The rear derailleur had a ton of the dried gritty film, a lot of elbow grease to clean it then very careful polishing on the power polishing wheel. The Cyclone derailleur turned out fantastic and that is a a heck of a look all polished out against the polished paint.
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Derailleurs - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Front Derailleur
Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Front Derailleur
Exploded |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Front Derailleur
Complete |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Front Derailleur
Installed - Beautiful!! |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Rear Derailleur
Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Rear Derailleur
Exploded |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Rear Derailleur
Complete |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Rear Derailleur - Installed |
Polished cable brackets and any small bracket polished to a high finish is what really makes a restoration. I cleaned and polished all the brackets and installed them. They look incredible with the polished paint and makes all the difference.
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Cable Brackets
Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Brackets - Polished |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Top Tube Cable
Bracket - Complete |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Top Tube Cable
Bracket - Complete |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bottom Bracket Cable
Bracket - Complete |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Rear Derailleur Cable
Bracket - Complete |
That completes the main body components, what a beautiful bicycle so far!
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle So Far |
The wheels are fantastic wheels with Campagnolo wheel hubs, these wheels where original to the Motobecane. There was a lot of the dried crusty film on the wheels, I did a lot of hand cleaning and polishing but in the end the wheels turned out quite stunning. For now the tires from the era are in really good shape so they will stay on, if the Motobecane Grand Record is going to be a rider for the owner new tires will be needed. I am jealous of these wheels, I would like to have them very much, being a graphic artist guy I love the rim decals.
With new grease the wheels spin true and very smooth!!
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Rear Wheel - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Rear Wheel Hub
Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Rear Wheel Hub
Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Rear Wheel Rim
Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Rear Wheel Hub
Old Grease |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Rear Wheel Hub
Polished |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Rear Wheel Hub
Bearings Packed |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Rear Wheel Components
Polished |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Rear Wheel
Complete |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Rear Wheel - Complete
I love the way the hub polished and that Campy logo! |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Rear Wheel Rim
Polished - Love that decal! |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Front Wheel - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Front Wheel Hub
Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Front Wheel Rim
Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Front Wheel Hub
Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Front Wheel Hub
Polished |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Front Wheel Bearings
Packed |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Front Wheel Hub
Components - Polished |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Front Wheel - Complete |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Front Wheel Complete
Love It!! |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Wheels - Complete |
Last thing for now is to wire the Motobecane Grand Record. I chose the ice gray Jagwire housing, the color seems to go great with every paint color and really looks good with the polished red and black. With the bicycle wired everything works very smoothly, I am very happy with all of the results.
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - New Cables & Housings |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Brakes Wired |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Brakes Wired |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Top Tube Cable
Looks Awesome! |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration
Rear Brake - Wired |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Wired |
Tomorrow, freewheel, chain, pedals and hopeful a test ride if the snow stops today, the roads get plowed and dried out, that probably won't happen but I can hope. Oh and final photos.
The pedals are in okay starting shape, the leather straps are shot but the pedals cleaned and hand polished very nicely, I am very happy with the results of the pedals.
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Pedals - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Pedals - Before |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Pedals - Polished |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Pedals - Installed |
Last thing to do is install the freewheel and chain. With the chain installed I stand tuned the Motobecane Grand Record. The Motobecane tuned very well. I wish I could road test the Grand Record but we have snow covering everything today. I can imagine the Motobecane rides like a dream even in its small size for me.
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Chain & Freewheel Complete |
I can not take final photos outside with winter being here with the snow and the -3 temperatures so the typical January final photos are inside. The Motobecane Grand Tour is an absolutely stunning bike! The components shine like better then new, the red paint has such a deep finish and the black and gold make it pop. I really love this bicycle, its everything I like, maybe not everyone's cup of tea but I love it. I wish I knew the story and the thinking behind the component choices, I think it would be a very interesting story. Just a fantastic bike!!
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete Handlebars & Leather Wrap |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete Superbe Brake Levers |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete Beautiful Handlebar Logos |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete Can't beat that view! |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete Beautiful Superbe Brake Caliper |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete Campagnolo Wheel Hub! |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete Wheel Rim Decal - The Graphic Designer in me Loves This! |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete Front Half |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete Cinelli Stem |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete Grand Record Decal |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete Shift Levers |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete Down Tube Decal |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete Saddle |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete Seat Lug |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete Down Tube Decal - Poor Photo |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete Drive Train |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete Beautiful Sigino Crank |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete Front Derailleur |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete Superbe Brake Caliper |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete Rear Wheel |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete Campagnolo Wheel Hub |
Motobecane Grand Record Restoration - Bicycle Complete Sun Tour Cyclone Derailleur |
Thank you for all the interest,
John Z.
ReplyDeleteThat looks beautiful. You seem to be a firm believer in reuse, as opposed to replace. It's probably a shame to think of how many quality older bikes, get discarded, and replaced with new. Thank you for your enlightened view.
Hi Peter,
DeleteThank you! I do believe in reuse but also this stuff is just so cool! I do think a lot about all the bikes that find the land fill each year or the scrap trucks.
Motobecane is one of my favorite brands from the bike boom era, so much so I spent years looking for a Grand Touring model in my size and finally found a 1977 GT last year that is going to get an overhaul soon. But a Grand Record...WOW I envy you getting to work on this bike! I find some of the Shimano Arabesque/600 parts as lovely as the Campy stuff of the era so I get you digging on the cool Suntour parts, those power ratchet shifters are tough to beat, Your finished product is just stunning, some lucky person is going to get a one of a kind beauty. Chapeau!
ReplyDeleteHi John,
ReplyDeleteGreat inspiring work. I got my Grand Record in 1982. Still riding. Crashed a few times. The handlebar was replaced with a newer brand about 10 years. I now want to replace it back with an "original". But not sure what it should be. Not clear from your pictures either. Should it be a TTT? Thanks,
Hi John,
ReplyDeleteGreat inspiring work. I got my Grand Record in 1982. Still riding. Crashed a few times. The handlebar was replaced with a newer brand about 10 years. I now want to replace it back with an "original". But not sure what it should be. Not clear from your pictures either. Should it be a TTT? Thanks,
ReplyDeleteBeautiful restoration! Thanks for all the detail. I've just acquired a bike that is virtually the twin to this one. Were you able to determine conclusively the year of yours? Is it a '74?
Bologna, Italy
Can you explain how you polish both the frame and fork as well as components? Do you do the frame and fork by hand? Do you use a polish wheel for the components?